Monday, March 28, 2011

No more carnival rides, I want a funnel cake.

Although tonight was such a rough night, most of us got a little more sleep than normal. I think I slept more last night than I have the rest of the week. I feel refreshed and I’m ready for another long week. I’ll give Courtney the credit for saying this but she stated
“I’m tired or this roller coaster ride, I’d rather ride on the bumper cars.” I think it sums up how most of us feel. We can hit something and rebound on bumper cars or just swerve around obstacles instead of the constant ups, downs, twist and turns we’ve been on so far. For those of you who know me, you know I’ve never been a big fan of coasters anyway. I also felt like I was going to fly out because my butt always lifted off the seat, so this ride is particularly not enjoyable since I don’t like them to begin with.

The doctor didn’t come into today at his normal time, he was in around 10, rather than his normal 8. The nurses called us back, and the cardiac doctor was explaining a little more to us. He said they had to put a stent into a stent (like a sandwich). We all knew my dad was unique but we realized it even more when the doctor said this only happens in about 2% of people with stents. They’re planning on leaving the balloon pump in until at least Wednesday. His heart isn’t really doing any work at this time and the vent is doing his breathing for him.

We’re just going back during visiting hours so it’s a tough waiting game, having to wait and go back. He’s pretty drugged up, so it’s hard to tell if he understands what we’re talking about, he has started to have a twitch at times, and the nurses told us that it could be from the meds, but it also may be from some neurological issues. We pray that it’s just for the meds and it’s not that his brain has been affected.

I’m not sure the appropriate place to add this portion, but I feel it’s too funny not to add. After the doctors talked to us about adding another stent, my grandpa (who has been fighting a cold) get the hand sanitizer and rubs some on his face and then the next think I hear is “WOW that burns…”  I started cracking up ( a quick turnaround from where I was) and then he said it cleared him up. So soon after he does it the first time, I look at him and he has mustache of foam sanitizer that is “Clearing his nose.” It was great humor in a time of sadness, and it has described a lot of the week.

Things have been fairly quiet today, and not as much family is around, so Quincy and I were talking and felt it was important to take a trip to buy some gear to make our home (Waiting room) more comfy. We were on the lookout for house shoes. House shoes are very difficult to find this time of year for some reason. Apparently house shoes go out of season and I’m not sure why. Don’t people always need them in their house?

We’ve been considering transferring about an hour away to heart hospital. Please help pray for the difficult decision. It’s not that we don’t love the staff (most) here, but you don’t want a plumber fixing your cabinets, or a carpenter fixing your toilet. We’re trying to make the best decision for dad’s recovery. He’s fighting with us, not against us! 


  1. Scott
    Praying for Big Dennis and ALL of you.
    Sounds like they are keeping him pretty sedated and resting his heart with the balloon pump,that is all good, he Needs that rest right now. Please know that lots of prayers are going up for all of you to give you all strength to carry this heavy load. I am so glad that you are there to be with your dad and to be a great support for Chris as well.
    I've been waiting for your blog all day.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers, hugs to both you and Chris...

  2. Here's hoping and praying that you and your family see remarkable, overall improvements for your Dad very soon!

    Bryan & Debbie
